125 college students from Nigeria who received
full scholarships from the Nigerian government will
be attending college in Boston in the fall. The
students are set to attend Northeastern University,
and roughly half of them arrived in Boston on
Monday May 26th.
The U.S. Pathway Program
, which consists of a
consortium of American universities offering an
academic preparation program that becomes a
pathway to a college degree, and the Nigerian
government are working to fund the students'
scholarships, which include money for tuition,
books, room and board. Continue...
Fifty-three of the 125 students selected to
participate in the program arrived in Boston on
Monday accompanied by a Nigerian presidential
adviser. They wore green and white colored
scarves that represented the Nigerian flag. The
students came from some of the most deprived
regions of Nigeria, according to a press release
about the program.
The soon-to-be Northeastern attendees are
required to complete a summer bridge term at
Northeastern before they join the University’s
sophomore class in the fall.


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