smart vs dumb
Are you a first time entrepreneur? Are you trying to learn what you need to do to make it in this world? If so, good!
Although you are going to fumble and make a lot of mistakes, here is why you’ll make more money than those know-it-alls:

You’re willing to listen

If you’re lost and confused what is the first thing you do? You probably go out there and look for help.
Whether it’s doing some research on the web, sending off an email to another entrepreneur, or making a phone call to a friend… you’ll figure out a way to get help.
Once you get some help, you’ll listen and try to act on the advice that was given to you.
On the other hand, know-it-alls have a tendency to not ask for help, and if someone goes out of their way to help them, they usually ignore the advice. Or even worse, they’ll keep on asking you for advice, but they’ll never act on it.
And if you ever get to the point where your customers start giving you feedback, you’ll listen.

You’re naive

I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but you’re like a baby. You are stepping into a whole new realm and you still have a lot to learn.
The bad part about being naive is that you’ll make a lot of mistakes. However, the good part about being naive is that you’ll be willing to try almost anything, even if that “thing” is a stupid idea.
But what you probably don’t know is that your business is likely to make the majority of it’s revenue from that stupid idea that you never thought would work.
Know-it-alls on the other hand aren’t as flexible when it comes to their business model, which means they’ll be slow to adapt.

You’re not a perfectionist

It’s not that you don’t like things to be perfect, you just don’t know what is perfect. Because of this you’ll move much quicker than know-it-alls who are trying to perfect their product or service.
When you try and create a perfect business, you’ll soon realize that it’s never ending. You’ll always find something wrong, and you’ll take forever to launch your company. And if you ever get to the point of actually launching your company, you’ll soon learn that customers don’t like your “perfect” business. But by this point, you have already wasted a lot of time and money, so you won’t be able to fix your business so that it meets customers’ expectations.
Agility is what you have that know-it-alls don’t, which means you shouldn’t run into the problem that I mentioned above.

You’re not confident

When you expect something to make you a shit load of money, what happens? You tend to make no money. And when you don’t expect something to make you much money at all, what happens? You make a shit load of money.
Because you aren’t confident, you won’t expect your business to make you filthy rich. Now granted this doesn’t mean you’ll become rich, it just means you’ll work harder to try and figure things out. And when you work harder, good things usually happen… they just take a while.
Know-it-alls tend to be over confident, which hurts their chance of succeeding. It’s usually the thing that’s right in front of their nose that causes their business to fail.

You’re hungry

No, I don’t mean that you want to go to McDonalds and stuff yourself with a few Big Macs, but instead you really want to succeed. You have that fire in your eye and it isn’t because you want it there, it’s because you are broke and have no choice but to figure out a way to make some money so you can put some food on the table.
If you are a know-it-all you have probably done one thing really well that’s put enough money into your pocket, which means you are financially stable. And if your business fails, you won’t be living on the street… hence you don’t have that drive to be hungry.


I know, you are probably wondering why seasoned entrepreneurs such as Evan Williams or Elon Musk keep on making a shit load of money.
Drum roll please… it’s because entrepreneurs like them aren’t know-it-alls they are just experienced. Experienced entrepreneurs know that they still have a lot to learn and they realize that they aren’t a jack-of-all-trades.
Although there is a big difference from being experienced and being a know-it-all, it’s a fine line. Just make sure you stay on the side of being experienced and most importantly stay humble, so that you don’t mistakenly cross the line.


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