At 15, Oyenike Oyeneye’s intelligence belies her age. The budding author, whose first book titled, The black ice corridor has just been published, says she was inspired by her father to delve into writing.
“I was inspired after reading some of the things he wrote,” she says.
Young Oyeneye’s ‘little’ new novel explores the themes of marriage, love, divorce, family relationship, as well as spirituality in human existence. Interestingly they were areas hitherto considered to be the exclusive preserve of the ‘experienced.’
Explaining why she chose the themes, she continues, “I realised that I could write about love, family and marriage. So I read many Christian novels that focused on such themes. I just hope that single men and women will always take their time to study their partners before going into marriage. Many are quick to classify any relationship they are involved in as ‘God given.’ I advise them to pray about it instead. The characters in my novel for instance, did not have the spiritual back-up; they just got married without seeking the face of God.”
Clearly awed by her achievement at such a young age, the author describes the book as the product of sleepless nights, painstaking research that lasted a year and raw determination.
“I tried to write several other novels in the past, but I never concluded any of them. I always find myself stopping or abandoning them mid-way. But this novel is unique in the sense that I realized, right from the first day, that I was going to complete it. I was in my school library when I just picked up a new note and began to pen down my thoughts. I only stopped midway when I was about to write my final exams,” she says.
At an age some of her peers are yet to choose careers, Oyeneye says she has found hers and it is all clearly mapped out.
“I want to be a lawyer because I feel justice can still be restored in Nigeria. I know God has laid it in my heart as one of those who will bring back justice to the country,” she says.
With The black ice corridor, Oyeneye has added her name to the growing list of emerging writers in Nigeria.
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