DOROTHY Onyeka, the Chief Executive Officer, Dorothy’s Place, 3C’s Complex Finbarrs College Road, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos State, simply has a keen passion for good food.
Onyeka, who has diploma in Mass Communication and a degree in Social Works and Administration from the University of Jos, wanted to build a profession in clothes and hats making, hence she attended a fashion school where she learnt the art of clothes and hats making.
But her passion for good food redirected her to homes-based food business, where she helps those who could not cook due to tight work schedule or inability to cook, and make cool cash.
Onyeka said: “I keenly love to prepare good food. People around me can testify to this. So when they saw me going the direction of what I call comfy food; they all embraced it, supported me and sold me to potential clients.”
The Dorothy’s Place boss confessed that apart from making good proceeds from the business, she has built lifetime friendships and made lots of contacts, while she is not willing to opt out of the job, in spite of any lofty offer she may get, “because I love what I do.”
Onyeka, who disclosed that she learnt how to cook on her own and drew her inspiration from her mother in the kitchen, described the future of the business as bright saying that, she is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that Dorothy’s Place becomes a household name.
Make cool cash selling comfy food
MANY wives could not afford preparing their meals or soup due to their daily tight schedule while many singles, especially bachelors, could not prepare their meals as a result of either tight schedule or inability to prepare delicious meal. They want someone to do it for them, while they are comfortable with the responsibility of microwaving it.
Hence, opening a home-based food business, whereby you help those who could not prepare their meals by themselves, due to one reason or the other, can be fun, exciting and highly rewarding, especially if you know what you’ll sell.
Turning that expertise and or passion in preparing delicious and comfy meal can enrich you sooner than you can ever think.
My business is basically about food but I like to call it comfy food. Adding a twist to those regular meals we all grew up with.
Who can do the business?
Anybody who has passion for food and the perseverance to do business in Nigeria, can do the business.
Start-up cost
It depends on how you want to start. You can start with as little as N5,000 and as much as N50,000. It also depends on whom you are preparing the meal for, the kind of meal you are preparing for him/her and the arrangement between you and the person.
In some cases, you will prepare the meal or soup, then charge your client; in other cases you may collect money to purchase the ingredients from your clients and charge for your services. You can prepare the meal in your client’s house or in your own kitchen then take it to him/her.
As a result, your client and the arrangement you are adopting with your client will affect your start-up cost.
You can learn to cook on your own while you can witness some tips from your mum or relatives while growing up. People draw inspiration from different places. Meanwhile, there are quite a number of culinary schools in Nigeria and abroad you can learn from.
Planning and research
Source for clients: There are many people who cannot cook for themselves, and are bent on getting and rewarding whoever can do this for them. Seek this set of people. You can ask friends and relatives. You can as well study the people around you whom you believe are too busy to cook for themselves or those who are not good at preparing food or those who have phobia for cooking.
Search into their favourite and taste: Having got some interested clients, interview them to know their favourite and taste. Some like salt, some don’t. This will help you to always win their hearts.
Get the best ingredients: Do not economise while buying stuff for the meal. You must ensure that whatever stuff or ingredient you buy will bring out your best with no adverse effect on the health of your client.
Cost and potential earning
The cost of preparing the meal depends on the choice of your client’s meal, the arrangement of preparation (either in his/her house or from your kitchen). While your potential earning depends on your client, the amount of services required and the value you place on your services. By and large, you can comfortably make 50 to 70 per cent the cost of preparing the meal as profit, while you can service even up to seven clients per week (depending on your client’s base and expertise).
While it is possible you make cool millions in a year, it is also possible not to make anything at all. It depends on your clientele, the services you provide and the value attached to it. Money exchanges hands when value is achieved.
Reputation and marketing
Be patient, have 100 per cent integrity and make sure you prepare every meal like it’s the first. This will make one customer get you more customers. To market yourself, network, start from friends and family and then it expands. This world responds to value, if you give them good value for their money, be sure to have more referrals.
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