Newly arrived mini-laptops from China
He told me that when you order through the website mentioned in the e-book, you are dealing directly with the manufacturers in China so it is also easy to complain to them through the website and even complain to the website owners in case there is a problem. He said everything is explained very well in great detail in the e-book and that all I really needed to do was buy the e-book and read it and I will be on my way to riches.
When I asked him if he could forward the e-book to me, he said that he was not permitted to do so because when you buy the e-book, you are not supposed to share it with other people or you will be breaking the terms of the author so I just had to buy my own copy. He then explained to me how to buy the e-book. (If you are interested in how to buy the book, please click here.)
After the conversation, in my mind I wondered that if the business was so good and profitable for his brother, why was my friend not also doing it? When I asked him, he surprised me by saying that he was saving his allowance so as to get some capital to start and that his brother said that he will also support him and show him how to order.
And so, based on the conversation with my friend’s brother I was now able to make up my mind to go ahead and take the risk. That decision is the best decision I have ever made in my life because it is what has turned me into a millionaire today.
How I Made 2.3 Million Naira Within 5 Months
The next day my friend and I went to a cybercafé with my ATM card. According to my friend’s brother, I could buy the e-book with any ATM card from any Nigerian bank but I would only be able to use GTBank ATM or any other credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Websurfer etc) to order for the brand new laptops.
My friend showed me how to pay for the e-book and less than 5 minute after payment, we were able to download it. To my surprise and delight, it was a very detailed 73 page manual with a lot of pictures that explained the step by step process of using the site to order for cheap laptops in Nigeria and many other items like electronics, phones, clothes, shoes, toys, jewelry, watches etc. The e-book, written by a well respected lady also explained how to know the good China manufacturers and what to look out for when buying in terms of specs and features.

The first laptop I ordered was a mini-laptop which cost N21,000. Even though I was a computer novice, I was able to easily use the website to order it without the help of my friend because the e-book was very easy to understand and follow. The laptop arrived through DHL after 11 days of placing the order.
When I showed it to my office colleagues and told them the price I was selling, I was shocked at their response because I did not anticipate such a thing. They did not understand how I could be asking N40,000 for something that sells for N60,000 in the market. Someone even asked me if I was sure that it was not stolen. After convincing them that it was genuine and real, right there and then to my greatest surprise my boss made me an offer of N37,000. I agreed after some haggling and he paid me right on the spot.
Tablet PCs like this are also availableI was stunned because like magic I had made N16,000 profit just like that. That same day, two other people in my office requested for laptops and one other asked for a tablet and phone and they deposited N48,000 in total as part payment for the items. After work I rushed back to the café and ordered for the items using the money they deposited. This time I did not use my office address but I used my house address. It took 10 days to arrive all in good condition and I took them to the office the day after they arrived and was paid the balance.
So far, I discovered that I had made a total of N60,000 profit from selling 4 mini laptops, one tablet and one smart phone all within the space of about 10 days. I had also gotten back my initial investment and still had capital to buy more laptops aside from the profit I had made. Everything happened so fast and I was dumbfounded because suddenly I realized that my life had changed forever. During the five months that was left of my service, I was able to sell 63 mini-laptops (notebooks), 24 tablets and 19 smart phones. By the time I passed out, I had made N2,357,000 (Two million, three hundred and fifty seven thousand naira) in profits.
Tips for Success in the Cheap Laptop Business
Be ready to work hard
Despite the luck I had with my first sales at the beginning, it has not always been rosy and along the line I have encountered many challenges but with determination and the Grace of God, I was able to push through and today I am a success. Do not be afraid of starting small. Most of the world’s self made millionaires and billionaires all started very small. Do not shy away from humble beginnings.
Do some research and Learning
If you do not know much about laptops and their common features, look for ways to learn maybe from friends, family or acquaintances. Visit computer stores and find out the price of similar products to give you an idea of the outside market value of what you are selling. Get familiar with the terminology of the business.
Be professional
Dress neatly with clean clothes when visiting offices. Buy a good deodorant like Sure and make sure you always smell fresh even if you trekked to the place. Always make sure that your mouth smells fresh and don’t smoke or drink before visiting any office or meeting with a prospective buyer. If need be, lick vicks lemon or any other mint sweet.
You should also have an identity card just in case someone asks for it. If you are a student, use your school identity card. If you are a worker, use your work ID; if you don’t have a school or work ID you can even use any other identity card from anywhere else, church, clubs/associations, mosque, anywhere will do. You can even use your drivers’ license or voters card. Just make sure you have a means of identifying yourself to others. You do not need to show it everytime you talk to people or go to offices. If you are not asked for it, no need to show it. But if you are asked, make sure you have one ready.
Be creative with your marketing:
Brainstorm ideas to market your laptops and any other products. Find ways to show your prospect why they should buy your products. Plan your approach before hand and practice what to say when you are telling people about the product. Focus on the cheap price and the fact that the product has similar features and is nearly as durable as those selling for higher prices in the markets.
Promote your business:
Look for otherways to spread the word about the goods you have on sale. You don’t have to do something expensive or elaborate. In my case, I printed a single page that contains my name and phone number duplicated many times. I cut them into small pieces like labels and stick them to the laptop carton or cover whenever I supply (don’t stick it directly on the laptop unless it can easily be peeled off).
cheap laptop labels
Sample of labels which I cut and stick to my Laptop covers
Start with one or two products first (a mini-laptop is good)
Even if you have a lot of cash, you must first test the business to make sure that it is right for you. Start by ordering one or two products. When you are fully convinced that you are getting what you want then you can invest more. As you grow and begin to expand, consider hiring marketers on commission.
Make a list of people to meet and places to go
Start with close associates, family members, friends, work colleagues, religious brethren, clubs and associations that you are a member of. Send text messages, emails or BB messages to all your contacts informing them of available products. Write it on your facebook wall. Plan visits to private offices, banks, government offices, schools, universities and other places you can think of. Whenever I visit an office, there is always a high level of interest in my cheap laptops so you don’t have to worry about being rejected.
Do proper accounting
Make sure that you keep track of your profits and income both when you are just starting out and as you grow. Have a separate bank account for your business. This should be different from your personal account.
At the beginning, your first target should be to get back your initial capital. Once you have this, put all subsequent initial profits back into the business to increase your capital up to a higher level. If you are able to buy up to 10 items at once you will be able to negotiate discounts with the manufacturer so try to grow your capital to the point where you are able to buy in bulk so that you can get the additional discounts.
Consider lower prices/bargains
Do not be too greedy. It is not compulsory to sell at double the price you bought it. As you go along, you will discover that the lower the price you sell, the faster you can sell them off. In fact this is what I now do in my wholesale business. I sell very cheap to other resellers so I end up making about N5,000 profit per laptop but the good thing is that my customers now buy more because they are able to sell it and still make up to N10,000 profit or more. In fact sometimes I now get orders for as much as 100 laptops at once. And because I’m buying in large quantities from the manufacturers, I get massive discounts and reduced prices.
Offer customer support and Take Complaints Seriously
Although it is rare but occassionally, you will receive various complaints and requests for support. Most times, the issues are things you can easily take care of like installing things like antivirus etc. Always make sure that you are available to listen and assist anybody that buys from you. This will encourage them to tell others about you with confidence knowing that if they need any support or if anything goes wrong, they can always count on your help.
Have faith and be thankful:
Believe in yourself and if you are religious, believe in your God. Thank your God in advance for making you successful. When the profits start coming in, donate a percentage to your religious body to be used in support of the work of your God. Be charitable too and give to the less privileged.
What you Need to Start Laptop Import Business in Nigeria
As mentioned earlier, the minimum amount needed to start this business is N28,000 (twenty eight thousand naira). Here is the breakdown again:
Buy the e- book = N3,500
Order for one laptop = About N22,000
Transport, phone, browsing and sundry expenses = N2,500
Step 1: Obtain the Instructions for buying online from China
A lady holding some cheap laptops she ordered
When you have the money and you are ready to start, the first thing to do is to buy the e-book. I would have given you the link to my own copy here but it is not permitted by the author so it means that anybody who needs the e-book has to buy their own copy. If you are interested in learning how to buy the e-book, please click here for what to do.
Step 2: Order for your first laptop
Even if you have a lot of money to spend, I suggest that you start with one or two mini-laptops or other products which you believe you can easily sell off. The reason for my suggestion is so that you can try it out first and see if the business is right for you. It doesn’t take long for the products to arrive therefore if after your first order you are able to sell off the items and you like the profits you made.
Step 3: Make a list of people to tell and places to visit
While waiting for the laptop to arrive. As soon as it arrives, don’t be afraid to tell people about it. Tell everybody you can think of that you have fine quality products for sale at very cheap prices and if possible show them the ones you already have for sale. Visit offices with one of the laptops and show it to them.
Don’t be shy about this. The most important aspect of this business is being able to sell your laptops fast. The low price of the laptop already gives you a big edge over the more expensive ones sold in stores so as long as you can show the product to them to let them know its of good quality, they will be falling all over you to buy.
Some benefits of this product from a marketing perspective:
The product is cheaper and more affordable than competing products.
The product is of good quality commensurate with the price range
There is high demand and quick turnover.
Restocking is fast. If you run out of products, all you need is to place a new order and wait for about 10 days.
In Summary
cheap wholesale laptop store in Nigeria
My Laptop store in Uyo
So my friends, that is my story. As you can see, being a laptop importer has changed my life and can change yours too. If you will like to get the e-book I talked about so that you can start ordering for your laptops, click here for details.
He told me that when you order through the website mentioned in the e-book, you are dealing directly with the manufacturers in China so it is also easy to complain to them through the website and even complain to the website owners in case there is a problem. He said everything is explained very well in great detail in the e-book and that all I really needed to do was buy the e-book and read it and I will be on my way to riches.
When I asked him if he could forward the e-book to me, he said that he was not permitted to do so because when you buy the e-book, you are not supposed to share it with other people or you will be breaking the terms of the author so I just had to buy my own copy. He then explained to me how to buy the e-book. (If you are interested in how to buy the book, please click here.)
After the conversation, in my mind I wondered that if the business was so good and profitable for his brother, why was my friend not also doing it? When I asked him, he surprised me by saying that he was saving his allowance so as to get some capital to start and that his brother said that he will also support him and show him how to order.
And so, based on the conversation with my friend’s brother I was now able to make up my mind to go ahead and take the risk. That decision is the best decision I have ever made in my life because it is what has turned me into a millionaire today.
How I Made 2.3 Million Naira Within 5 Months
The next day my friend and I went to a cybercafé with my ATM card. According to my friend’s brother, I could buy the e-book with any ATM card from any Nigerian bank but I would only be able to use GTBank ATM or any other credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Websurfer etc) to order for the brand new laptops.
My friend showed me how to pay for the e-book and less than 5 minute after payment, we were able to download it. To my surprise and delight, it was a very detailed 73 page manual with a lot of pictures that explained the step by step process of using the site to order for cheap laptops in Nigeria and many other items like electronics, phones, clothes, shoes, toys, jewelry, watches etc. The e-book, written by a well respected lady also explained how to know the good China manufacturers and what to look out for when buying in terms of specs and features.

The first laptop I ordered was a mini-laptop which cost N21,000. Even though I was a computer novice, I was able to easily use the website to order it without the help of my friend because the e-book was very easy to understand and follow. The laptop arrived through DHL after 11 days of placing the order.
When I showed it to my office colleagues and told them the price I was selling, I was shocked at their response because I did not anticipate such a thing. They did not understand how I could be asking N40,000 for something that sells for N60,000 in the market. Someone even asked me if I was sure that it was not stolen. After convincing them that it was genuine and real, right there and then to my greatest surprise my boss made me an offer of N37,000. I agreed after some haggling and he paid me right on the spot.
Tablet PCs like this are also availableI was stunned because like magic I had made N16,000 profit just like that. That same day, two other people in my office requested for laptops and one other asked for a tablet and phone and they deposited N48,000 in total as part payment for the items. After work I rushed back to the café and ordered for the items using the money they deposited. This time I did not use my office address but I used my house address. It took 10 days to arrive all in good condition and I took them to the office the day after they arrived and was paid the balance.
So far, I discovered that I had made a total of N60,000 profit from selling 4 mini laptops, one tablet and one smart phone all within the space of about 10 days. I had also gotten back my initial investment and still had capital to buy more laptops aside from the profit I had made. Everything happened so fast and I was dumbfounded because suddenly I realized that my life had changed forever. During the five months that was left of my service, I was able to sell 63 mini-laptops (notebooks), 24 tablets and 19 smart phones. By the time I passed out, I had made N2,357,000 (Two million, three hundred and fifty seven thousand naira) in profits.
Tips for Success in the Cheap Laptop Business
Be ready to work hard
Despite the luck I had with my first sales at the beginning, it has not always been rosy and along the line I have encountered many challenges but with determination and the Grace of God, I was able to push through and today I am a success. Do not be afraid of starting small. Most of the world’s self made millionaires and billionaires all started very small. Do not shy away from humble beginnings.
Do some research and Learning
If you do not know much about laptops and their common features, look for ways to learn maybe from friends, family or acquaintances. Visit computer stores and find out the price of similar products to give you an idea of the outside market value of what you are selling. Get familiar with the terminology of the business.
Be professional
Dress neatly with clean clothes when visiting offices. Buy a good deodorant like Sure and make sure you always smell fresh even if you trekked to the place. Always make sure that your mouth smells fresh and don’t smoke or drink before visiting any office or meeting with a prospective buyer. If need be, lick vicks lemon or any other mint sweet.
You should also have an identity card just in case someone asks for it. If you are a student, use your school identity card. If you are a worker, use your work ID; if you don’t have a school or work ID you can even use any other identity card from anywhere else, church, clubs/associations, mosque, anywhere will do. You can even use your drivers’ license or voters card. Just make sure you have a means of identifying yourself to others. You do not need to show it everytime you talk to people or go to offices. If you are not asked for it, no need to show it. But if you are asked, make sure you have one ready.
Be creative with your marketing:
Brainstorm ideas to market your laptops and any other products. Find ways to show your prospect why they should buy your products. Plan your approach before hand and practice what to say when you are telling people about the product. Focus on the cheap price and the fact that the product has similar features and is nearly as durable as those selling for higher prices in the markets.
Promote your business:
Look for otherways to spread the word about the goods you have on sale. You don’t have to do something expensive or elaborate. In my case, I printed a single page that contains my name and phone number duplicated many times. I cut them into small pieces like labels and stick them to the laptop carton or cover whenever I supply (don’t stick it directly on the laptop unless it can easily be peeled off).
cheap laptop labels
Sample of labels which I cut and stick to my Laptop covers
Start with one or two products first (a mini-laptop is good)
Even if you have a lot of cash, you must first test the business to make sure that it is right for you. Start by ordering one or two products. When you are fully convinced that you are getting what you want then you can invest more. As you grow and begin to expand, consider hiring marketers on commission.
Make a list of people to meet and places to go
Start with close associates, family members, friends, work colleagues, religious brethren, clubs and associations that you are a member of. Send text messages, emails or BB messages to all your contacts informing them of available products. Write it on your facebook wall. Plan visits to private offices, banks, government offices, schools, universities and other places you can think of. Whenever I visit an office, there is always a high level of interest in my cheap laptops so you don’t have to worry about being rejected.
Do proper accounting
Make sure that you keep track of your profits and income both when you are just starting out and as you grow. Have a separate bank account for your business. This should be different from your personal account.
At the beginning, your first target should be to get back your initial capital. Once you have this, put all subsequent initial profits back into the business to increase your capital up to a higher level. If you are able to buy up to 10 items at once you will be able to negotiate discounts with the manufacturer so try to grow your capital to the point where you are able to buy in bulk so that you can get the additional discounts.
Consider lower prices/bargains
Do not be too greedy. It is not compulsory to sell at double the price you bought it. As you go along, you will discover that the lower the price you sell, the faster you can sell them off. In fact this is what I now do in my wholesale business. I sell very cheap to other resellers so I end up making about N5,000 profit per laptop but the good thing is that my customers now buy more because they are able to sell it and still make up to N10,000 profit or more. In fact sometimes I now get orders for as much as 100 laptops at once. And because I’m buying in large quantities from the manufacturers, I get massive discounts and reduced prices.
Offer customer support and Take Complaints Seriously
Although it is rare but occassionally, you will receive various complaints and requests for support. Most times, the issues are things you can easily take care of like installing things like antivirus etc. Always make sure that you are available to listen and assist anybody that buys from you. This will encourage them to tell others about you with confidence knowing that if they need any support or if anything goes wrong, they can always count on your help.
Have faith and be thankful:
Believe in yourself and if you are religious, believe in your God. Thank your God in advance for making you successful. When the profits start coming in, donate a percentage to your religious body to be used in support of the work of your God. Be charitable too and give to the less privileged.
What you Need to Start Laptop Import Business in Nigeria
As mentioned earlier, the minimum amount needed to start this business is N28,000 (twenty eight thousand naira). Here is the breakdown again:
Buy the e- book = N3,500
Order for one laptop = About N22,000
Transport, phone, browsing and sundry expenses = N2,500
Step 1: Obtain the Instructions for buying online from China
A lady holding some cheap laptops she ordered
When you have the money and you are ready to start, the first thing to do is to buy the e-book. I would have given you the link to my own copy here but it is not permitted by the author so it means that anybody who needs the e-book has to buy their own copy. If you are interested in learning how to buy the e-book, please click here for what to do.
Step 2: Order for your first laptop
Even if you have a lot of money to spend, I suggest that you start with one or two mini-laptops or other products which you believe you can easily sell off. The reason for my suggestion is so that you can try it out first and see if the business is right for you. It doesn’t take long for the products to arrive therefore if after your first order you are able to sell off the items and you like the profits you made.
Step 3: Make a list of people to tell and places to visit
While waiting for the laptop to arrive. As soon as it arrives, don’t be afraid to tell people about it. Tell everybody you can think of that you have fine quality products for sale at very cheap prices and if possible show them the ones you already have for sale. Visit offices with one of the laptops and show it to them.
Don’t be shy about this. The most important aspect of this business is being able to sell your laptops fast. The low price of the laptop already gives you a big edge over the more expensive ones sold in stores so as long as you can show the product to them to let them know its of good quality, they will be falling all over you to buy.
Some benefits of this product from a marketing perspective:
The product is cheaper and more affordable than competing products.
The product is of good quality commensurate with the price range
There is high demand and quick turnover.
Restocking is fast. If you run out of products, all you need is to place a new order and wait for about 10 days.
In Summary
cheap wholesale laptop store in Nigeria
My Laptop store in Uyo
So my friends, that is my story. As you can see, being a laptop importer has changed my life and can change yours too. If you will like to get the e-book I talked about so that you can start ordering for your laptops, click here for details.
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