Her songs were from her life and the shock she felt coming off the road in 2012, after an incredibly long tour.
According to Asa : “I needed time to pull myself together. I toured for two years, gave everything I had. I had been the girl that was full of life, force and energy that people looked at for two hours on stage, and then congratulated backstage after the show. But I was going home alone, never really realising how exhausting all that actually is…”.
Speaking about her long break from the music after her last tour, Asa said that she just couldn’t stay home, so she travelled through Lagos, Berlin, the United States, London and Paris.
“I wanted to feel human again, meet new people and do everything I always wanted to do before I hit 30. I wanted to learn to swim, rent a car and drive from Nashville to New York and from New York to Los Angeles and I wanted to learn to skateboard and drive
a motorcycle,” she said.With an almost finished album, she wanted to reconnect with Benjamin Constant who had arranged her first two studio albums and she wanted to meet new musicians and feel new emotions.
Asa’s life is part of her songs as much as our life is part of her songs. The inexhaustible subject that is love, the spiritual calling, the need to party or to simply share a cup of tea with two friends.
..and there’s Dead Again, the first single, written in two hours with Blair MacKichan, based on a close friend’s treason that angered Asa. Love Found Me is a song about having to stop looking for love because it found you, a premonitory song written shortly before the start of the recording.
“I’ve matured,” says the soon to be 32 year-old artiste as the world awaits her new offering. The Album ‘Bed of Stone’ which is to be released on Deluxe CD’s, Vinyl and Vendors Worldwide on the 25th of August is available for pre-order on iTunes.com
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