This is not cool. A petition has been launched on
change.org asking Beyonce and Jay Z to comb
their daughter Blue Ivy's hair...and so far it's
gotten over 4,000 signatures..
The petition was started by a woman named
Jasmine Toliver, and under her petition she wrote;
'As a woman who understands the
importance of hair care, it's disturbing to
watch a child suffering from
the lack of hair
moisture. The parents of Blue Ivy, Sean
Carter aka Jay Z and Beyonce have failed at
numerous attempts of doing Blue Ivy's hair.
This matter has escalated to the child
developing matted dreads and lint balls.
Please let's get the word out to properly care
for Blue Ivy hair.'
Not liking or criticizing Blue Ivy's hair is one thing,
but putting up a petition on change.org to me is
crossing the line. You can't tell a mother what to
do or not to do with her own daughter's hair. One
person even wrote "cruelty to children has to
stop!" Cruelty? Hmmmm


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